Eclipse Layout Kernel Documentation

Fixed Layout

Identifier: org.eclipse.elk.fixed
Meta Data Provider: core.options.CoreOptions


Keeps the current layout as it is, without any automatic modification. Optional coordinates can be given for nodes and edge bend points.

Supported Options

Option Type Default Value Identifier
Bend Points KVectorChain <not defined> org​.eclipse​.elk​.bendPoints
Minimum Height double 0 org​.eclipse​.elk​.nodeSize​.minHeight
Minimum Width double 0 org​.eclipse​.elk​.nodeSize​.minWidth
Node Size Constraints EnumSet<SizeConstraint> EnumSet.noneOf(SizeConstraint) org​.eclipse​.elk​.nodeSize​.constraints
Node Size Minimum KVector <not defined> org​.eclipse​.elk​.nodeSize​.minimum
Padding ElkPadding new ElkPadding(15) org​.eclipse​.elk​.padding
Position KVector <not defined> org​.eclipse​.elk​.position