Identifier: org.eclipse.elk.graphviz.fdp
Meta Data Provider: layouter.GraphvizMetaDataProvider
Spring model layouts similar to those of Neato, but does this by reducing forces rather than working with energy. Fdp implements the Fruchterman-Reingold heuristic including a multigrid solver that handles larger graphs and clustered undirected graphs.
Category: Force
Layout algorithms that follow physical analogies by simulating a system of attractive and repulsive forces. The first successful method of this kind was proposed by Eades in 1984.
Supported Graph Features
Name | Description |
Self Loops | Edges connecting a node with itself. |
Multi Edges | Multiple edges with the same source and target node. |
Edge Labels | Labels that are associated with edges. |
Clusters | Edges that connect nodes from different clusters, but not the cluster parent nodes. |
Supported Options
Option | Type | Default Value | Identifier |
Adapt Port Positions | boolean |
true |
org.eclipse.elk.graphviz.adaptPortPositions |
Concentrate Edges | boolean |
false |
org.eclipse.elk.graphviz.concentrate |
Debug Mode | boolean |
false |
org.eclipse.elk.debugMode |
Edge Label Spacing | double |
5 |
org.eclipse.elk.spacing.edgeLabel |
Edge Routing | EdgeRouting |
EdgeRouting.SPLINES |
org.eclipse.elk.edgeRouting |
Interactive | boolean |
false |
org.eclipse.elk.interactive |
Label Angle | double |
-25 |
org.eclipse.elk.graphviz.labelAngle |
Label Distance | double |
1 |
org.eclipse.elk.graphviz.labelDistance |
Max. Iterations | int |
600 |
org.eclipse.elk.graphviz.maxiter |
Node Size Constraints | EnumSet<SizeConstraint> |
EnumSet.noneOf(SizeConstraint) |
org.eclipse.elk.nodeSize.constraints |
Node Size Options | EnumSet<SizeOptions> |
org.eclipse.elk.nodeSize.options |
Node Spacing | double |
40 |
org.eclipse.elk.spacing.nodeNode |
Overlap Removal | OverlapMode |
OverlapMode.PRISM |
org.eclipse.elk.graphviz.overlapMode |
Padding | ElkPadding |
new ElkPadding(10) |
org.eclipse.elk.padding |
Separate Connected Components | boolean |
false |
org.eclipse.elk.separateConnectedComponents |