Eclipse Layout Kernel Documentation

ELK Mr. Tree

Identifier: org.eclipse.elk.mrtree
Meta Data Provider: properties.MrTreeMetaDataProvider


Tree-based algorithm provided by the Eclipse Layout Kernel. Computes a spanning tree of the input graph and arranges all nodes according to the resulting parent-children hierarchy. I pity the fool who doesn’t use Mr. Tree Layout.

Category: Tree

Specialized layout methods for trees, i.e. acyclic graphs. The regular structure of graphs that have no undirected cycles can be emphasized using an algorithm of this type.

Supported Graph Features

Name Description
Disconnected Multiple connected components.

Supported Options

Option Type Default Value Identifier
Aspect Ratio double 1.6f org​.eclipse​.elk​.aspectRatio
Debug Mode boolean false org​.eclipse​.elk​.debugMode
Direction Direction Direction.DOWN org​.eclipse​.elk​.direction
Node Spacing double 20 org​.eclipse​.elk​.spacing​.nodeNode
Padding ElkPadding new ElkPadding(20) org​.eclipse​.elk​.padding
Priority int 1 org​.eclipse​.elk​.priority
Search Order TreeifyingOrder TreeifyingOrder.DFS org​.eclipse​.elk​.mrtree​.searchOrder
Separate Connected Components boolean true org​.eclipse​.elk​.separateConnectedComponents
Weighting of Nodes OrderWeighting OrderWeighting.DESCENDANTS org​.eclipse​.elk​.mrtree​.weighting