Eclipse Layout Kernel Documentation

ELK Stress

Identifier: org.eclipse.elk.stress
Meta Data Provider: properties.StressMetaDataProvider


Minimizes the stress within a layout using stress majorization. Stress exists if the euclidean distance between a pair of nodes doesn’t match their graph theoretic distance, that is, the shortest path between the two nodes. The method allows to specify individual edge lengths.

Category: Force

Layout algorithms that follow physical analogies by simulating a system of attractive and repulsive forces. The first successful method of this kind was proposed by Eades in 1984.

Supported Options

Option Type Default Value Identifier
Desired Edge Length float 100f org​.eclipse​.elk​.stress​.desiredEdgeLength
Fixed Position boolean false org​.eclipse​.elk​.stress​.fixed
Interactive boolean false org​.eclipse​.elk​.interactive
Iteration Limit int Integer.MAX_VALUE org​.eclipse​.elk​.stress​.iterationLimit
Layout Dimension Dimension Dimension.XY org​.eclipse​.elk​.stress​.dimension
Stress Epsilon float 10e-4f org​.eclipse​.elk​.stress​.epsilon